Face My Doctor was a startup telehealth platform that reached out to us for a host of interrelated consulting solutions, including investment materials development, accounting architecture, and systems streamlining.

Client: Face My Doctor
Year: 2020
Timeframe: 6 months
Main Service: Funding and accounting
Extra Service: Operating systems
Develop a series of investment materials, restructure the accounting systems and audit of accounting numbers, and restructure the operating systems.
We began by researching the telehealth industry and analyzing the competition, and their value propositions. The next step was to untangle and reorganize their accounting. Once complete, we designed and developed their investment materials (KPI charts, Pitch deck, investor one-sheet, 5 force chart, and lean canvas charts), and began installing and configuring the automation of their operating process and systems. This included their CRM, project management, and being a SaaS-based business, a subscription management system.
By reorganizing the accounting numbers, the company now has a better insight into its various revenue streams and cost centers. They are in talks with institutional investors, with an increase in subscription revenue collection through automation, and reduced man-hours to manage it.