Client: MSC
Year: 1995
Timeframe: 72-hour rush
Main Service: Logistics and transportation
Extra Service: Warehouse relocation
The Challenge was that:
1. the entire relocation had to be completed within 72 hours
2. every SKU had to be location-tracked throughout the process; and,
3. it had to be accomplished during Labor Day Weekend (a virtual traffic nightmare)
With transportation management software still in its infancy, we had to devise a plan to (A) get the entire relocation done in the allotted timeframe, and (B) manage the information in such a way that MSC could continue to serve clients throughout the move, thereby needing to know where SKUs were in transit so that they could plan accordingly.
We cobbled together a makeshift system that combined the transportation software we had, 6 whiteboards, 20 mobile phones, spotters at the origin and destination points, and dispatchers working 8-hour shifts throughout the weekend.